"It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?"
Henry David Thoreau
Our world today takes pride in being "busy." EVERY one is busy...even our children are busy with various extracurricular activities. But in the midst of our cluttered schedules, it's important to make time for the things and people that really count. I believe that in order to successfully take territories God has for you, it's imperative that you commit to your priorities. So, I'll ask you: are you priorities in order? For me, the most powerful formula is this:God - Family - Everything Else
When you put God first, everything else falls into place. He's the Creator and sustainer, so why wouldn't He come first? You may wonder what I mean by "putting God first." The best way I can sum it up is by going back to the scriptures. Proverbs 3:6 says, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." You can't go wrong with prioritizing a relationship with our Heavenly Father. The next top priority for you should be family. No man is an island and we can't survive in this world alone. God gave us the gift of family to support us, encourage us and fulfill us in both the good and the bad times. Regardless of our busy our schedules become, we should always make time to spend with the people who mean the most to us. Finally, after God and family is where "everything else" should come. And that "everything else" is really up to you. I suggest you evaluate your values and goals in order to put those other things in priority order.This week's prayer
Lord Jesus I put you first in every way. Come and take you place in my life today. Please help me to properly prioritize the people, things and goals I have for my life so that I may glorify you everyday. Thank you for your love for me. Amen.Take action this week!
Take some time to evaluate your your year thus far. Have you put God first? What about family...do they come next? If not, make a commitment to re-order your priorities and stick to them.