Leadership Edge Conference
My wife, Nike and I are still on a *high* from the Leadership Edge Conference. So now that we're settled back home, I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for each and every one of you who attended and participated.
Can I be honest with you for a second?
This was our very FIRST conference in the states and, boy, were we NERVOUS! There were so many times during the planning where I asked God, "are you SURE you want me to do this?"
Putting this conference together was certainly a test of faith. And it reminded just how much we have to trust our Heavenly Father when we are called to do things outside of our comfort zones.
When things look uncertain, that's the time to LOOK UP because that's where our help comes from.
But seeing each of your faces at the conference let me know just how divinely ordained this leadership conference was. Nearly 150 of you attended and it was amazing to pour into you and connect with you.
...And for that, Nike and I can't thank you enough. We couldn't have done this without you.
Stay tuned for details on upcoming events!